Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We Are the World

If you are reading this you probably follow my other blogs or are a member of my Social Justice class. This blog, like the other two has a specific purpose; however, I feel like this blog may be the one I am most passionate about. For my honors class, Issues of Social Justice, we have recently began a research paper assignment. Our professor also proposed the notion of using an event to make our paper not just research but a movement in and of itself. I asked if I could start a blog to promote an issue and was given the go ahead, thus the creation of this blog.

As many of you may know I dream of Africa and most of the time only Africa.

I have known for quite sometime that Africa is where I have wanted to go; however, I have never known what I want to go for. I know I want to change the world but in what way?

Over spring break I began re-watching Oprah's 20th Anniversary DVD collection and found a clip that spoke to my heart with piercing volume (this is not the exact clip, if I am able to find it I will post it later; this is the same doctor who spoke on the show): 

My aspirations for this blog are to inform my readers on the struggles that the young women of Africa face, what is being done to facilitate these issues, and most importantly what each of you can do for the women.

I do not know what the frequency of posting will be for this blog; because I am writing for a class I expect that I will post more often than I do the other two blogs. However, just for the record, the song of the day will appear on this blog in accordance with the focus of the day's post like any of my other blogs.

Anyways, I am off to dream of Africa, here is the song of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Mom says: Africa is too far away for my little girl :)
