Monday, July 4, 2011

Far Far Away

As many of you are aware, I want to apply for the Peace Corps when I get out of college; Peace Corps, and well Fulbright, but Peace Corps is where I'd really like to go. I was talking with a good friend a couple weeks ago and she was talking to me about a program called Master's International where I can attend school for a year, do my two years in the Peace Corps, and end up with a master's on the other side, plus in many cases the school gets paid for! I'm really excited about the opportunity and hope that it works out...I mean in the grand scheme of life two years isn't that far away right?

School has long since been over, but Africa hasn't left my mind, not that it ever does. However, during the month of May I was ill for a good portion of the days. Over the years, my health has given me quite a bit of trouble, this year being minute to most. The climate in Austin seems to be easy on my allergies for the most part and I've only been sick a couple times this year. Studying abroad and doing the Peace Corps and such will require my health to be in mint condition, starting like any prayer you can spare would be great. :) However, I know that if this is the place God wants me, my health will be no challenge at all for the man upstairs.